Planning Permission key facts for your Timber Frame Garage, Carport and other Outbuildings.
This page is a simplified guide that will hopefully provide a quick, easy and useful introductory guide to Planning requirements for your dream project. This must be regarded as just a guide and not advice. We are happy to deal with all planning related forms for a modest, one off cost. Please contact Peter if you have any further questions.
We always recommend that you should check with your Local Planning Authority (LPA).
Your Rights to ‘Permitted Development’
In October 2008, changes took place granting ‘permitted development’ rights to UK property owners. This meant that for many cases, where small developments were proposed, application for planning permission was no longer necessary – providing certain specific conditions were observed.
Planning for Outbuildings:
In general, outbuildings are considered as ‘permitted development,’ and do not therefore need planning permission, providing:-
They do not project in front of any wall that forms part of the ‘principle elevation’.
They are of single storey construction, no more than 2.5 metres high at the eaves, no more than 4 metres high at the ridge if they have a dual pitch roof, or 3 metres if they have any other form of roof.
Any building, enclosure or container within 2 metres of the boundary is not more than 2.5 metres high.
There are no raised platforms, balconies, or verandas.
At least half the area surrounding the ‘original house’ remains uncovered by other buildings or additions.
Any pools, enclosure, or container sited over 20 metres from a house in a National Park, the Broads, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, or a World Heritage Site is limited to 10 square metres.
On ‘designated’ land (see below) planning permission is required for buildings, enclosures, containers and pools at the side of a property.
Any outbuilding sited inside the curtilage of a listed building will require planning permission.
You obtain planning permission for erecting any high walls or fences.
Planning for Car Ports:
As they are considered to be ‘temporary structures’, car ports do not generally require planning approval. The same applies to some ready-made, or ‘kit’ garages. However, you will need to observe a number of other regulations, for example, if the structure is to be closer to the road than the front of your house.
You’ll also need to comply with any applicable building regulations, like being at least a metre from the boundary’ although in general terms building regulations do not apply to detached single storey structures located more than a metre from the boundary. Providing they are open on at least two sides and have a floor area of not more than 30 square metres, car ports do not need building regulations approval.
Planning for a Garage:
Providing your proposals meet certain size and location considerations, and providing a vehicular access to a drive and/or parking space already exists, you may be deemed to have ‘permitted development’ rights. This means you will not need to apply for planning permission for a garage unless Conservation Area, or Listed Building orders affect your property.
Planning for a Room Above:
If you want to build a second storey on top of your garage / Carport, you may well need planning permission, and or Building Regulations approval depending on your intended use of the space. Your planners may also want you to set the building back from the front of any existing building so that it won’t be over dominant, or affect any other considerations, especially the visual aspects of your property. Generally these need to be in keeping with surrounding properties.
This information is taken from The Benfield ATT Groups article "Obtaining Planning Permission for Ancillary Structures"